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Reggie Jackson

NBA Guard  |  Detroit Pistons


Acute or chronic pain as a result of excessive stress is a frequent complaint in runners. This pain can be caused by a range of abnormalities such as joint deformity, muscular imbalance, coordination defects and pathomechanical movement sequences. In such cases, only very specific therapy, which is able to give an exact diagnosis, will suffice. 

Running Analysis Protocol - Sagittal View

Protocol sagital running analyses track joint angles for the ankle, knee, hip and upper-body. This is done fully automatically in real time and requires the use of 5 markers which are placed on the fore foot, ankle, knee, trochanter and shoulder. The report displays the ranges of motion, joint angle/time graphs, measurements for specific phases and the dynamic changes in the transference of weight.

Analysis Protocol - Frontal View

When analysing in the frontal plane, 5 markers are also used. These are placed anteriorly on the ankle joint, the origin of the patella ligament, on both the left and right anterior superior iliac crests and in line with the height of the T6 vertebrae. This allows for the measurement of valgus and varus movement at the knee, lateral hip tilt, and deviations of the upper-body from the midline. Information regarding initial contact, maximum knee flexion and toe off can also be calculated when reviewing results with the patient. The report automatically shows joint angles as well as the respective video image for key time points. Angle/time graphs can also be generated for each joint, which provide an overview of joint movement and the opportunity to determine joint angles at any stage of the cycle.

Tests such as frontal gait analysis, frontal running analysis, step down tests, leg axis stability tests and many more can be conducted automatically for immediate patient feedback.

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